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Category: Dry Eyes

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How Long Does Dry Eye Last After LASIK?

A surgeon stands above a covered patient with medical tools poised to assist with laser eye surgery

LASIK is a life-changing procedure for improving eyesight, but many patients linger after surgery with the question, “Why do my eyes feel dry?” You’re not alone if you’ve recently undergone LASIK and feel that gritty, sandpaper-like sensation.  Dry eyes are 1 of the most common side effects of the procedure. Fortunately, dry eye symptoms typically […]

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Can Vitamin Deficiency Cause Dry Eye?

A close up view of a woman's face and she has dry and red eyes present

Is it possible your body’s stash of vitamins has fallen short, causing uncomfortable, dry eyes? A question that resonates with optometry patients and vitamin enthusiasts alike: Can a lack of vitamins lead to the pesky affliction?   Intriguingly, the correlation between vitamin levels and ocular health is not just a matter of pill-popping supplements. There’s an […]

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