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Category: Digital Eye Strain

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Is Dark Mode Better For Your Eyes? Eye Strain & Your Phone

A young adult uses their phone without dark mode turned on, increasing the chances the device use can affect their eyes and sleep.

If you scroll through Instagram late at night or check emails in bed, you might have noticed a new trend: dark mode. More and more applications and operating systems are offering dark mode as an alternative to the traditional bright, white screens we’re used to.
You may wonder if this new trend is better for your eyes. Excessive screen use can lead to an increased risk of digital eye strain. But dark mode may be better for your eyes and help prevent strained eyes, especially when using your phone in low-light conditions.
Eye strain isn’t typically something you need to worry about as its symptoms usually subside when you remove the trigger, such as digital screen use or intense up-close focus. But it’s a good idea to consult your eye doctor if you’re experiencing persistent symptoms. […]

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